Tuesday, October 25, 2011

HTML Basics 2

What does a normal webpage consist of? All normal webpages consist of a head and a body.

What are these parts used for?
  • The head is used for text and tags that do not show directly on the page.
  • The body is used for text and tags that are shown directly on the page.
What is the tag that is part of all webpages? an <html> tag at the beginning and the end, telling the browser where the document starts and where it stops.

Head Section

What is included in the Head Section?
The head section of the webpage includes all the stuff that does not show directly on the resulting page.
What are metatags? Metatags are used for, among other things, to improve the rankings in search engines.
What is javascript? which is a programming language for more complex HTML pages.
What is CSS? CSS is a rather new technique for optimizing the layout of major websites.

Body Section 
What is included in the Body Section of a webpage?

  • Text
    • Formatting
    • Resizing
    • Layout
    • Listing
  • Links
    • To local pages
    • To pages at other sites
    • To bookmarks
  • Images
    • Inserting images (GIF and jpg)
    • Adding a link to an image
  • Backgrounds
    • Colors
    • Images
    • Fixed Image
  • Tables
  • Frames
  • Forms
  • Metatags
  • Hexadecimal Colors

How to Learn More

What else do you need to learn about HTML?how to put clothing on a website.

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