Friday, October 28, 2011

10/28 Dress Code? *(100)

The movement toward uniforms in public schools has spread to about a quarter of all elementary schools. Experts say that the number of middle and high schools with uniforms is about half the number of elementary schools. If uniforms are intended to curb school violence and improve academics, why are they not more prevalent in middle and high schools, where these goals are just as important as in elementary schools? The debate over uniforms in public schools encompasses many larger issues than simply what children should wear to school.
It touches on issues of school improvement, freedom of expression and the "culture wars." It's no wonder the debate rages on.For the past decade, schools, parents and students have clashed over the issue of regulating student attire.Meanwhile, researchers are divided over how much of an impact - if any - dress policies have upon student learning. I feel like high schools are often compared unfavorably to Catholic schools. the pros to uniform are:
  • Help prevent gangs from forming on campus
  • Encourage discipline
  • Help students resist peer pressure to buy trendy clothes
  • Help identify intruders in the school
  • Diminish economic and social barriers between students
  • Increase a sense of belonging and school pride
 the cons are:
  • Violate a student's right to freedom of expression
  • Are simply a Band-Aid on the issue of school violence
  • Make students a target for bullies from other schools
  • Are a financial burden for poor families
  • Are an unfair additional expense for parents who pay taxes for a free public education
I feel like uniform is unnecessary to high school because most student are growing to be adults. i want to feel like I'm in control of my clothing its already difficult that most parents control their lives,why is it so crazy that we can't even control our on clothing? Also, most students that are adults in high school should wear what that person want to were.  feel like if their is going to be uniform their should be a age limit on it.

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