Friday, November 4, 2011

11/4 Love Letters / Midterm

Dear iPod,
                 I don’t often write love letters to gadgets. But you, you’re something special.i see how you save great music and take great care of them. my favorite part about you is that you know what song i want to listen to at any time. i hate when you freeze or die on me but its OK either i let you sleep or feed you. i know i need to take care of you more because i haven't been caring lately.

                 I see that you been messed up by my brother; he hurt you to the point were he scratched your face and I've haven't healed it yet. but in do time you will be back to your original place. right now you will be hurt until i cure you. iPod you are my best friend, i hate the thought of losing you. i even tell you my secrets and mistakes. i even was mad when i thought i lost you, i even found another friend but it wasn't like you.

                  I know it was wrong but i needed something to talk to and listen to; but when my dad found you i was happy. i ditched my other friend for you in a jiffy. it was like i didn't even know that thing. so i want you to know that you are my best-est gadget for life.

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