Friday, September 16, 2011


My  idea on bullying is to make sure everyone know each other either its on the internet or in class. knowing one another can help prevent bullying. To me bulling can also be an opinion on what someone thinks of you. That's the only way bulling could be prevented or slowed down. If its in class let everyone check each other work or do class projects. If its on the internet, everyone should also know each other or the friends they they have. And if their friends fiend attack them then block them. Just make sure when you block someone that they cant ever unblock or add that person by creating another page.
In the schools teachers should be more involved with the students. These days most teachers don't really care they are just here for the pay check  And that's are most likely the classes that bullying happens a lot. If the teacher was more passionate in her job their wouldn't be bulling. Before the students are checked on bullying they should check the teachers out on who's more passionate; because if the teacher cared about the kids the bulling thing would never happen in class or in school.
Most schools should be more concerned with keeping children in school than home. most high schools like this one is more concerned in sending people home. How are people supposed to learn? that's why most kids drop out because they figure why should i care about school if the school doesn't care about us. Most schools staff don't really care for students like that they feel if sending kids home would make they day better  just send them home. So the only way for bullying to stop is for the adults period to care more about their students and be more passionate about their job.

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