Monday, September 26, 2011

9/26 Do the right thing

If i walked in class a saw that someone's online account was on i would log out. The reason for doing this is because i believe in karma, it what comes around goes around; and i f i was to do that to whomever someone would have did it to me, but at the time i needed it the most. I do think that if another person saw the same they should do the same because they wouldn't want anyone to do it to them.

Friday, September 23, 2011

9/23 Facebook meeting

If it was me i truthfully wouldn't care because i am of age to meet that person and handle myself. i just wouldn't eel them to meet me in my house. i would meet them outside first then, as it goes on  would invite them to my house. It also depends on how i know he person. if i feel like the person could come to my house while I'm their by myself i would invite them but other than than i wouldn't invite a stranger. from seeing the video i would start being more careful on the computer.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

9/22 cyber safety

I think that cyber safety is very important because nowadays you don't know who's on the computer. Most children are on the computers and child molesters are on the computer. There was a show that would catch molesters and rapist. They would catch a lot of them the episode that caught my eyes was when a 23 year old girl talk on the web like she was 13. This one dude went their he was like 23. soon as he got their he started to strip until he was completely naked. As soon as he got naked the man stepped out and told him he was on a show that caught people that talk to 13 year old and younger. He was so shocked because he had a family and a wife. He would b humiliated forever a late lose his family and job, so if you don't be safe on the computer things like that would happen.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Its important to have god behavior online because you don't know who is watching what you say. I read this article that had a girl arrested because she put a hit out on her baby's father. She wanted m killed for 5,000, he actually was killed and later the cops found out what she did because of face-book. That's just tells you that someone will always be watching what you do or did.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Two advantages on watching a how to videos is that it actually teaches you things that you are about to learn about. Also its just a guideline.I would rather read a text than a tutorial because i could go back and look at it. The disadvantage is that you don't soak up enough information in time or learn a lot in time.

Monday, September 19, 2011


To me cyberbullying is common n the urban area. Most people can take it as a joke or they may take it in a harsh way. I am what teachers  consider a "class clown", in some ways when i joke on some one i can take it too far. Others see it as having the better jokes, but i see it as hitting the person n the worse way before he get me. I i was at the cafe i wouldn't have jumped in because i feel that didn't have anything to do with me and we do that everyday.

Friday, September 16, 2011


My  idea on bullying is to make sure everyone know each other either its on the internet or in class. knowing one another can help prevent bullying. To me bulling can also be an opinion on what someone thinks of you. That's the only way bulling could be prevented or slowed down. If its in class let everyone check each other work or do class projects. If its on the internet, everyone should also know each other or the friends they they have. And if their friends fiend attack them then block them. Just make sure when you block someone that they cant ever unblock or add that person by creating another page.
In the schools teachers should be more involved with the students. These days most teachers don't really care they are just here for the pay check  And that's are most likely the classes that bullying happens a lot. If the teacher was more passionate in her job their wouldn't be bulling. Before the students are checked on bullying they should check the teachers out on who's more passionate; because if the teacher cared about the kids the bulling thing would never happen in class or in school.
Most schools should be more concerned with keeping children in school than home. most high schools like this one is more concerned in sending people home. How are people supposed to learn? that's why most kids drop out because they figure why should i care about school if the school doesn't care about us. Most schools staff don't really care for students like that they feel if sending kids home would make they day better  just send them home. So the only way for bullying to stop is for the adults period to care more about their students and be more passionate about their job.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

If i was being taking advantage of it would be a problem for me and that person.  I would comment on that page everyday stating that this page wasn't mine; and if that didn't work the person would force me to go to the police and it would be handled from there. bulling handled in my school is way different from home. Campus high to me handles things very secretive when it come to problems like that. They would say that they are looking for the person and may not eve fined them. I feel that it should be adequate because if it isn't why are rules made.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights law is the best thing that can happen to cyberbullies in new jersey. if this is the only state with this bill it should be more. Most cyberpunks cause death in the united states to people who take any thing you say to them to heart. to whom who don't know cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass,threaten,embarrass and target another person. this is also appropriate because it can help the death percentage go down in jersey or any other state.

Monday, September 12, 2011


There are many different ways the internet can be dangerous. Most websites  people go on today give out private info like where you live. Another way the internet can be dangerous is by giving out your social security number to pop-ups . With your social security number people can get anything in your possession, also in your name. Like pin numbers, name, address. To me that's how stalkers, rapist, and killers can get to you, just off of the internet.