Tuesday, January 24, 2012

HTML Final

I see the idea of having book on any devices is a good idea.  Having books helps a lot of students especially the one that don't go to school or have to stay home. Having book on devices is a also bad because if this happens schools would start to think about having other things in school as well that can take away jobs. To have books on a device can be a hard thing because most students don't do work on tablets; tables are a distraction to some students it just makes them do other things than work books they might just be on a social net work.

Later on in the year having text books on the device percentage well be at a  all time high. this millennium is basically about technology; and most of  the schools are adjusting to it as well. these kids as myself see technology as being easier than dealing with teachers that don't want to help us as student succeed in class. their favorite saying is " I'm only here to get paid" so they are basically saying that they don't have to teach us. but with devices we can teach ourselves the only thing is that the students wouldn't get that emotion that comes with learning. 

To be honest i don't think i would be reading like that because i really don't like to read; but if i comes to i would read interesting books. I'm really big on mystery books and non-fiction. if e-books books aren't as good as i would think I'm not going to read them at all.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

1/11 CES

I like LaCie 2Big Thunderbolt RAID array because it has speeds up to three times faster than FireWire 800, LaCie 2big Thunderbolt Series also features RAID security, hot-swappable disks, and daisy chain convenience. Heavy data users can turbo charge their workflow with jaw-dropping speed improvements. And capacities up to 6TB* on 7200rpm hard disks deliver the professional storage they demand. Improve your workflow. Get huge data storage. Ensure full data protection.


Can the world live without Wikipedia for a day? Yes I think they can but not for long because each and every day someone has to use that for a world they have it on there phones and etc so it need to come back for tomorrow. 


How do you think stronger, lighter and thinner glass will effect the performance of devices? Ligher and thinner glass will effect the performance of devices because the lighter they are the faster they work , like for exmaple a mac book air works more faster but the mack book pro holds more things .

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


 fiona Is this something that you think a lot of people will want or will it appeal to only a few. I think Project Fiona is pretty cool. I believe a lot of gamers will find it appealing. I couldn't find anything interesting because I couldn't find any pictures.


When you need to research something, what are the first three sources you check and why? The 1st three sources you check when you are researching something is the books 1st ask the teacher or use the internet .

Thursday, January 12, 2012


GADGET SUICUDE THIS could be the future ipod because there are alot of new things coming out soon and I think that it is a good gadget.

Monday, January 9, 2012

1/9 Robots Steal Jobs?

Machines and computers are getting better at an accelerated rate, and I think within maybe 5 to 10 years things are going to get to the level where machines begin to surpass the ability of most people to do routine work. I base this partly on my belief that most of the work out there in the economy is routine in nature. There aren’t that many people that are paid to think creative thoughts.


What does ths example demonstrate?
to create a table in html

Table borders
What does ths example demonstrate?

What tag are tables defined with?
What is a table is divided into? What tag is used? ?
What are rows divided into? What tag is used and what do the letters stand for?
What content can a data cell can?
Tables and the Border Attribute

What happens if you do not specify a border attribute? What do you need to do display a table with borders?
Headings in a Table
What tag is used to define headings in a table?
What happens to the borders around the empty table cells?
What can you do avoid this?


Table with no border
What does this example demonstrate?
Headings in a table
What does this example demonstrate?
Empty cells
What does this example demonstrate?
Table with a caption
What does this example demonstrate?
Table cells that span more than one row/column
What does this example demonstrate?
Tags inside a table
What does this example demonstrate?
Cell padding
What does this example demonstrate?
Cell spacing
What does this example demonstrate?
Add a background color or a background image to a table
What does this example demonstrate?
Add a background color or a background image to a table cell
What does this example demonstrate?
Align the content in a table cell
What does this example demonstrate?
The frame attribute
What does this example demonstrate?
The frame and border attributes
What does this example demonstrate?
Continue to make a list of HTML Links tags and attributes.

Friday, January 6, 2012

1/6 Comic Life / HTML 1 Quiz *

To me comic can help me get my drawing together by copying or trying to make the picture just by looking at it.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

  1. What is the purpose of using frames in HTML? The frameset element holds one or more frame elements. Each frame element can hold a separate document.
Vertical frameset
  1. What does this example demonstrate? it has vertical frames.
  2. Change the numbers and words inside the quotation marks.  Describe what happens. the boxes changes size.
Horizontal frameset
  • What does this example demonstrate?it has horizontal frames.
  • What is the difference between these two examples?one is vertical and the other is horizontal.
  • What makes them different?
  • What are 2 advantages of frames?
  • What are 2 disadvantages of frames?
  • Frames are not expected to be supported in future versions of HTML
  • Frames are difficult to use. (Printing the entire page is difficult).
  • What does the frameset tag do in HTML?The frameset element holds one or more frame elements. Each frame element can hold a separate document.
  • What does the frame tag do in HTML?With frames, you can display more than one HTML document in the same browser window.
  1. How can you prevent the user from changing frame sizes?To prevent a user from doing this, you can add noresize="noresize" to the <frame> tag.
  2. What do you do for browsers that do not support frames?
How to use the <noframes> tag
  1. What does this example demonstrate?it has vertical frames.
  2. Why would you use this example? for frames
Mixed frameset
  1. What does this example demonstrate?The <frameset> element specifies HOW MANY columns or rows there will be in the frameset, and HOW MUCH percentage/pixels of space will occupy each of them.
  2. What does this example look like?
Frameset with noresize="noresize"
  1. What does this example demonstrate? two vertical boxes.
  2. Why would you include this tag? frame
Navigation frame
  1. What are 2 advantages of frames?navigation, clicking on diffrent pages 
  2. Where are the frames in this example located?  on the second frame
  3. How do you get to these frames? by using the codes.
Inline frame
  1. What does this example demonstrate?
  2. What happens if a browser does not support inline frames?
Jump to a specified section within a frame
  1. What does this example demonstrate?Two frames
  2. What happens when you do not include this in your frame? you wont be able to know whats in every chapter in your project.

1/5 Mr. Robot

This is just one more way we are encouraging people to interact more with technology than with other people. I do think that computers will take a more active role in the learning process, but teachers are necessary as well.Robots would be OK to use as a teaching aid, but I think it's always important to have a human  involved.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

1/3 Wave of the Future

I think that it would  be the future because it not only helps people it helps the handicap people.

1/4 Robot Teachers

I think we are going to rethink how and where learning takes place. In addition we are going to rethink what a teacher does.I think in a very short period of time every student will have a powerful computing device in their pocket. They will be so cheap, everyone will have them. You will be able to talk to them and they will talk back. Yes i think computers are gonna take control of a class and many others.